12 responses

  1. Aaron @ Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures
    May 7, 2012

    Cool! I kept seeing ads about this and was wondering what it was! Shame it’s only till tomorrow though… I’ve been working nonstop all weekend!


    • Leslie Koch
      May 8, 2012

      You would have loved this art fair, Aaron! It did come and go so quickly. But now I can say I’ve been to Randall’s Island 🙂


  2. Ayngelina
    May 8, 2012

    Looks fantastic! Is there any chance it will be there in August when I go to NYC?


    • Leslie Koch
      May 8, 2012

      Frieze was amazing! Unfortunately it was only this weekend, which I’m sure helped fuel the buzz about the show. There are tons of art venues in NYC though so you will not be lacking for culture when you visit 🙂 Hope we can meet up!


  3. Bicultural Mama
    May 8, 2012

    Cool photos! I haven’t been to Randalls Island yet. Looks like an interesting place to visit!


  4. Laura @Travelocafe
    May 14, 2012

    I love the pictures, specially the one with the mirrors. Really lovely photo, great double or triple pose.


  5. Kate Reyes
    May 15, 2012

    Wow! These photos are great! I know all of it are beautiful but I love the 1990s nostalgia. I’m an instant fan. There are great photographer out there but I am so enthusiastic about is the choice of what to take a shot of. Thanks for the wondrous collection!



  6. Kim N.
    May 16, 2012

    I love art fairs! Do you go to a lot of art fairs? I hope there is one upcoming on July. I might attend. Nice pictures!

    Thanks for sharing!



  7. Rockrose Development
    May 17, 2012

    These photos of the Frieze Art Fair in New York City look amazing. It’s too bad we had to miss the art fair, but it’s as though we were able to attend looking through your photos. Guess we will know the next time an art show appears in New York from London, we should purchase tickets.


    • Leslie Koch
      May 21, 2012

      Thanks! Definitely don’t miss the major NYC art fairs next year– I’d recommend the Fountain show for starters 🙂


  8. Jenkins
    May 18, 2012

    Great shot!These stuff is really beautiful, I do love to share it on my pinterest…


  9. Travelogged
    July 26, 2012

    I had wanted to go to this — so mad I missed it! But thanks to your great photos, I felt like I was there.


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