8 responses

  1. ciki
    February 14, 2013

    Ooo.. u just made me feel all sexay.. or should i say.. kinky ! haha . and thanks for the tip – i definitely won’t view at work yo! 😛


    • Leslie Koch
      March 3, 2013

      Haha, thanks Ciki! San Francisco is definitely an adventurous town 😉


  2. Jill
    February 14, 2013

    Didn’t know that the armory is open to the public. Nice. Wonder if I can convince Jack to come along 🙂 Went to Folsom St fair last year. Once was enough.


  3. Bicultural Mama
    February 18, 2013

    That must have been an interesting tour of SF. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into this world!


    • Leslie Koch
      March 3, 2013

      Thanks for the comment! If you happen upon these attractions in San Fran, would love to hear what you thought… 🙂


  4. Jessica
    February 27, 2013

    Wow- have been to San Fran a bunch of times and never really realized how kinky of a city it is! Thanks for sharing!


    • Leslie Koch
      March 3, 2013

      There are a lot of raunchy San Fran attractions– hard to cover them all in one post! lol


  5. Cathy Sweeney
    March 25, 2013

    You’ve made these places sound kind of tempting. Since I am a Bay Area resident, there really isn’t a good reason not to check them out. Or is there? 🙂


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