The Blogger Society Page: TBEX 2011 Edition (photos)

TBEX 2011, the annual travel blogger conference, came to a close on Sunday, ending several days of seminars, sightseeing and happy hours in Vancouver.

Like many of the 600-odd attendees, I approached TBEX as a networking opportunity. I met bloggers that I follow online, discovered new blogs and shared experiences and tips with my colleagues.

Scroll down for the social highlights of TBEX 2011. For different perspectives on the conference, click on the article links at the end of this post.

Most Scandalous Event

The Men of TBEX party capped off a happy hour-packed Saturday. Each of the twelve participants displayed a unique style– and willingness to disrobe for the cameras.

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The party doubled as a photo shoot, allowing attendees to gawk at the travel hunks. Lonely Planet’s Robert Reid ( donned a full suit, while freelance writer/stand-up comic Mike Barish ( stripped down to his Speedos.

Most Generous Travel Bloggers

Lauren Nicholl and Anis Salevesen of brought donuts and mimosas to share with bloggers on Friday’s Amtrak ride from Seattle to Vancouver. It was especially thoughtful considering it was Lauren’s birthday!

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Most Huggable

No contest: Jodi Ettenberg of Legal Nomads was the most adorable blogger at TBEX, with her Jordanian keffiyeh scarf and wide smile. Neither JD Andrews ( nor I could resist her charms!

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The Hot-Enough-To-Be-A-FOX-News-Anchor Award

Kelley Ferro of is an expert video blogger who multitasks as a host, filmmaker and producer. She has the reporting prowess of a young Barbara Walters, combined with the looks of a FOX News anchor– a winning combination.

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Most Worthy of “Zoolander” Legacy (tie)

The Men of Travel shared a key trait: they savored the spotlight. Dylan Lowe ( honored his British roots by donning a crown, while Mike Barish practiced all manner of poses. “Mr. July” Joseph Hernandez ( spun pinwheels while “Mr. January” Jeremy Branham ( demonstrated how to keep warm in the winter with gloves, an umbrella and little else.

Men of TBEX 2011 Photo Shoot


Jeremy Branham (@Budgettravelsac) also won honors as the “slickest” contestant in the Men of Travel contest. He donned baby oil for the photo shoot!

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Most Random Appearance in a Photo

The TripAdvisor party was one of TBEX’s most controversial events, since it was listed in all of the official materials but was “sold out” before most bloggers found out about it.

I snuck into the event without an RSVP (shhh!) and had a great time catching up with Tina Rozul (, Johanna Fausto ( and Anis Salevesen of When we received our TripAdvisor photo, it included a bonus friend! I’m not sure of his name, but he looks like he’s having a good time!

Best Travel Companion

Kudos to Paul Thompson (@FlyingPhotog) for putting up with my endless chatter and photo requests as we ditched a half-day of TBEX seminars and journeyed to Stanley Park. I’m not used to being a solo traveler, and it was nice having someone to explore Vancouver with since Jake couldn’t make the trip!

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Best Prop

This adorable inflatable guitar wins the prize for “best prop” at the Men of Travel photo shoot. It wasn’t as bold as Mike’s inflatable palm tree or Jeremy’s pink umbrella, but it was cute as a button.

It gamely posed for a photo with me and Brooklyn native AnneMarie Dooling of Frill Seeker Diary.
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Best Kiss

Perhaps inspired by the MTV Movie Awards, Mike Barish planted a big kiss on the cheek of NYC travel writer David Farley ( How romantic!

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Best “Village People” Reenactment

The Men of Travel looked eerily similar to the 1970s disco band, although I don’t recall an “Irishman” being part of the original mix. New York blogger Andrew Hickey ( took on that role as TBEX’s “Mr. March.”

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Tallest and Shortest

Somehow, in a sea of people, the shortest and tallest TBEX attendees found one another at the Men of Travel party! I don’t have any firm stats, but a visual scan proves that Eric Giuliani (@EricGiuliani) and Tina Rozul ( fit the bill.

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Best Dumpster-Diver

Thrill-seeking blogger Dylan Lowe ( is clearly prepared for his hitchhiking journey across North America: he’s already shown an aptitude for dumpster-diving. He scooped up this Canucks hockey stick from the bay before boarding the AMResorts cruise.

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Jenny Leonard ( and Norbert Figueroa ( displayed their complimentary snuggies, awarded during the TBEX conference. The lounge wear came in handy during the windy harbor cruise.

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Proudest Canadians

No surprise here: The Traveling Canucks displayed the most hometown pride. Vancouver residents Cam and Nicole Wears advised TBEXers on local attractions and converted jaded New Yorkers into Canucks fans. It was easy to spot the blogging duo in their hockey jerseys!

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Most Outspoken

Want a frank assessment of the TBEX conference? Just ask Michael Hodson of Go, See, Write. This lawyer-turned-adventurer has a direct style that engages readers– and makes him an ideal drinking companion. When I first met him he had almost completely lost his voice, presumably from nights out on the town– and that was the day BEFORE the conference started!

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Best Hawaiian Attire

Matt Long of Landlopers wins this category for his fashionable use of Kona beads. He may think of himself as a “typical Gen-X professional,” but he’s got a stellar sense of style! I joined him and Keith Savage ( on the AMResorts harbor cruise.
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Cutest Couple

Jade and Bob of Vagabond3 danced to live jazz on the AMResorts cruise. They were downright adorable!
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Most Shameless Insertion into Powerful Blogger Circle

The award goes to… me! I slipped into this power blogger triumvirate– featuring Anil Polat of FoxNomad, Michael Hodson of Go, See, Write and Gary Arndt of Everything, Everywhere— to snap a quick photo. I should have asked about their secret tips for increasing page views when I had the chance. D’oh!
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Most Nautical

Kelley Ferro of and Joseph Hernandez ( earned raves for their outfits on the harbor cruise. Hopefully this photo will land them a spot in the next Ralph Lauren ad campaign!
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Best Appearance by the Banff Squirrel

The Banff Squirrel (@Banff_Squirrel) pops up in the strangest places, as you can see in this photo of Mike Barish from the Men of Travel party.

Photo: Banff Squirrel/Twitter

Best Photo Caption

The Banff Squirrel strikes again! This northern critter is known for his wit, and his #TBEX tweets did not disappoint.

What an apt description for a photo of me and Tina (aka @Crozul):

Photo: Banff Squirrel/Twitter


Links to Blogger Posts on #TBEX:

TBEX 2011 Review (Part One): In Need of Some Professionalism and Basic Organization” by Go See Write

TBEX – What I Learned” by Dangerous Business

TBEX 2011 in Vancouver – A Stunning Conference in a Charming City of Contrasts” by Travel Mamas

Travel bloggers dream big at TBEX” by Vancouver Observer

TBEX Day 1” by Vagabond 3

Narrative, Local Beer & Hockey: What I Learned at TBEX” by My View From the Middle Seat

Wearing Our Travel Face – lessons from a weekend with travel bloggers” by Airtreks

“”TBEX Wrap-Up, Musings & Behind the Scenes Views” by Tightrope Traveler

About Leslie Koch

I'm a New Yorker with a passion for travel and art. I founded after returning from a year-long backpacking trip around the world. Find me on Twitter at @leslietravel.


  1. Excellent recap!

    Men of TBEX = scary but hilarious

  2. I plan to dress like a sailor all the time–it’s way more fun that way. Joey, you with me?

    • Good idea. It’s a great look– very classy. Dress for success!

    • Considering the feedback, I’m totally going nautical, now and forever. Is “Viking” technically nautical?

      Great, fun and lighthearted post! You seemed to really enjoy yourself, Leslie!

      • It was great meeting you! I enjoyed your nautical attire and I think you should move to that look full-time. It’s very distinguished!

  3. This awesome!!! I love these photos and was happy to be a part of this. The pics of me are not so flattering but I guess that is what I get for taking my shirt off! Love this idea for the TBEX awards. I hardly took any photos but really enjoyed (most) of yours!

    • I admire you for going for it! You looked great. Not sure I liked the pink umbrella with the red gloves though… wish I had been your fashion stylist for the photo shoot!

  4. Most Random Appearance in a Photo – His name is Glen Abbott 🙂

    Just thought you should know. Love all of the photos 🙂

    • Thanks! I believe I did meet Glen, although my memories were clouded by the open bar 😉

      • Yeah I was just going to say that’s Glen. He’s cool! I thought Jeremy’s photo was pretty rad!

        • Jeremy was working it!

        • Thanks Grace! Hopefully they use Photoshop to make me look good! I am not opposed to being doctored up! If models have it used on them, then I am all for it! 🙂

          And yes, I was going to point out it was Glen as well!

          • Jeremy, you don’t need photoshop! You looked great.

  5. Get that squirrel to a free clinic pronto!

    • OMG, too funny… That squirrel ends up in the strangest places.

  6. Totally jealous I wasn’t there! Cute post!

    • Good times, for sure. The best part of TBEX was meeting other bloggers in person that I follow online. It was a bit surreal “meeting” people you feel like you know already!

  7. I am really curious about all the sessions and inspirations I would get but this is way better! 🙂 Great sum up Leslie! And Congrats to Jeremy to be the man of Jan!
    So many great people!! I was too busy attending #toocoolforTBEX party.. 😉

    • I want to learn more about this #toocoolforTBEX fiesta. Was that an online event? Please explain!

  8. This is why I did not go to TBEX. I can just read about it and see the photos, and I felt like I was there. Great post!

    • Cool. Glad I saved you an $80 ticket 😉

  9. How cute its this?! What a creative way to recap the conference. SO lovely meeting you as well. I now wish we had more time together. You are now another excuse to get my booty to New York. And I’m a welcoming guide if you’re ever in Toronto! xo 🙂

    • I would love to meet up in NYC! Your arrival would be a great excuse for a tweetup 🙂

  10. ZOMG!! How friggin marvelous. I guess the best quote kinds sums it up.. what happens at #tbex stays at #tbex. Errr… I don’t wanna know LOL 😛

    • Yeah, you gotta be there to get the full picture 🙂 Maybe I’ll see you at TBEX ’12?

  11. Haha I love your roundup of the event…I think it’s the best I’ve read so far 😀 Great photos, looks like it was so much fun. Meeting other travel bloggers is always a blast.

    • Thanks Megan! Agreed– travel bloggers are a fun group 🙂

  12. Hahaha love this Leslie! Considering that I missed the actual photo shoot at the Men of TBEX party, it was nice to see those poses! 😉

    • I think you should have been IN the Men of Travel photo shoot. I could picture you in a cable knit sweater and white shorts, swinging a tennis racket. Mr. August perhaps?

  13. I’m so sad that I missed this, but it’s posts like this that make me feel like I was there 🙂

    • Thanks! Hope to meet you in person sometime 🙂

  14. Leslie, great to meet you at TBEX and thanks for putting these photos up. Despite some of the negative press about the event, it was still a fun and worthwhile weekend for me, and these photos are a testament to that.

    • The pleasure was mine 🙂 I agree. Overall, I had a great experience… there were certainly some technical issues at the conference, but I found it very valuable to meet other bloggers and hear about their experiences.

  15. This was like viewing the mock elections in high school – fun, fun, fun! Loved the idea of a blogger society page. Looks like you all had so much fun!

    • If celebutantes have their own society page, why not bloggers? 😉

  16. Haha, theses photos look awesome. Didnt expect to see photos of a Village People reenactment at tbex 🙂

    • Yes, it was quite unexpected! The Men of Travel really got into it 🙂

  17. Hey Leslie!
    Thanks for the super funny recap and so great to meet you all the way in Vancouver considering we are both in NYC!

    The person in our TripAdvisor photo is Glen or @travelingringo at


    • Thanks Jojo! It was great meeting a fellow New Yorker on the opposite side of the continent. Look forward to hanging out closer to home 🙂

  18. Most huggable? I’ll take it! Thanks for the mention and a fun roundup. Great to finally meet you in person.

    • It was my pleasure! You certainly are huggable. I had to restrain myself… 😉

  19. Nice! It’s almost like I was there. Oh wait. But, yeah, it was about the people in the end and this shows just how much spirit, charm and charisma was in effect in Vancouver. Viva la blogger!

    • Totally. The reign of bloggers has begun! 😉

  20. Had to bail on TBEX- thanks for sharing the photos. Great to put faces to some of the names I see on Twitter and GBN. Better than FB or Twitter avatars.

    • Too bad we didn’t meet at TBEX. Maybe you’ll come home to NYC sometime and we can meet up!

  21. This is the first review of tbex that actually makes me wish I was there. Great roundup!

    • Thanks! I thought it was worthwhile. I met many of the bloggers I follow online. Where else can you do that?

  22. awesome & hilarious recap leslie! so great to meet you at TBEX. hope to see you at the next 🙂

  23. This is a great post with some fun pictures! It was so nice to finally meet you in person. Glad you enjoyed your trip to the Pacific Northwest! 😉

    • Great meeting you too! I had a fantastic time in Vancouver, and the Canucks game 5 street party was one of the highlights. Your enthusiasm for the home team was catching. Let me know if you make it to NYC… there are many family-friendly attractions here 😉

  24. HAHA! This is the greatest TBEX post ever! I didn’t go, but I greatly enjoy you being a paparazzi. (And including yourself in these snapshots as well HA).

  25. Looks like you guys had fun!!

    • It was a great weekend! You can’t go wrong when 600 travel bloggers meet in one place…

  26. I’m keeping my engagement pictures to myself in future if it means being included in roundups like this 😉

    • Colm, I regret not taking a photo of you… you would certainly score “Most Romantic” for your sweet engagement story!

  27. Hi Leslie! This was a refreshingly fun way to round-up TBEX 11! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I sneeked into the Trip Advisor party too…shhhh(!!) but I didn’t go to the men of TBEX thing…sadness.

    The boat party was my favorite- but you already know why! he he he.

    • Loved hearing you sing on the TBEX cruise. You have a great voice!

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