15 responses

  1. Bicultural Mama
    August 12, 2012

    Really great tips – kept nodding my head as I was reading each one. I’ve gotten so many vaccinations I think I’ve pretty much collected them all at this point!


    • ciki
      August 13, 2012

      Thanks Bicultural mama! Oh, I feel the same way.. riddled with vaccinations.. but it’s better to be safe than sorry, no? 😀


  2. Erica
    August 12, 2012

    Exercise is so important on the road! It is why I take my hula hoop – granted, this time around I’m leaving it behind. Scary!

    I’m going to have to start running or something.


    • ciki
      August 13, 2012

      Erica! LOL.. that’s a cool tool to bring with you! I bring a resistance band.. that really helps when I lack space to work out. Or the TRX – hook it onto the frame and can work out in the hotel room! 😀


  3. Waegook Tom
    August 13, 2012

    These are some great tips – especially with the comfortable shoes and the street food/drinking water! Also if a hotel places a “Do Not Drink” sign above the tap, it really does mean it even if it’s 35C at night time. I learned that one the hard way…

    As for the comfortable shoes, again YES YES YES! I broke some in when I was in Sydney. They shredded the back of my heels and I ended up a hungover mess wearing short-shorts with blood-stained socks sat on the pavement on Oxford Street. Not a good look.


    • ciki
      August 18, 2012

      ewww! thanks for sharing that rather graphic image of bloodied socks, Tom but yeah I get what you’re saying! LOL 😛

      Even my most comfortable teva’s shredded my feet before they were 100% wearable. That’s just because we walked for like 12hrs with only short breaks so.. I too learned the hard way! 😀


  4. Juno
    August 14, 2012

    I love to travel with running shoes! 🙂 Mine is trail-running shoes and I love it. Good tips!


    • Leslie Koch
      August 15, 2012

      Totally– it’s always good to have running shoes. I need to learn from Mei– I tend to get lazy on holidays (unless I am hiking)!


      • ciki
        August 18, 2012

        LOL, i need to learn to camp like you Les! hehe


    • ciki
      August 18, 2012

      Hi Juno.. yeap, my mizuno’s are the best. but sometimes in the heat, i really need my teva’s coz it just gets sooooo sweaty! haha


  5. tofel
    August 15, 2012

    Great advice and you can never be to cautious when leaving to travel abroad. I know from my own experiences that there is nothing worse to feel ill or be sick when you always have to be on the go.


  6. Traveling Ted
    August 18, 2012

    Going to bed early is a good tip, but sometimes the most fun things happen late at night. I usually like to have a late night every now and then just to mix it up, but other times go to bed early depending on the day’s activities.


    • ciki
      August 20, 2012

      Hi Ted.. yeah.. i think a treat a week is fine! LOL. Maybe a weekend so you can recoup! LOL


  7. Calogero Mira
    November 30, 2012

    Travelling healthy and tips? Thanks.


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