18 responses

  1. Jeremy B
    February 22, 2011

    I am not sure I could ever think of Salt Lake City as hip. I haven’t really spent time there but I think it would be a battle to overcome stereotypes to become a big destination. As an outsider, the draw seems to be the winter activities. For others, the conservative lifestyle and cost of living could also be appealing. While it may be fun to visit, I don’t think it could ever become a hot and hip location for travelers but interesting to visit for sure.


  2. Ashleigh
    February 22, 2011

    I’m from Salt Lake, and while I agree with Jeremy, it may never seem “Hip” to the outside world, it becomes our little secret that Salt Lake is growing up, cutting the apron strings (from the predominant religion) per se. So while the rest of the world struggles with overcoming Salt Lake’s typical stereotypes, I’ll enjoy the hipness of it before it becomes too widely known, and overrun 🙂 Jake, if your looking for some vegan/vegetarian friendly joints next time your here, try City Cakes or Oasis.


    • Jake Semmel
      March 1, 2011

      Thanks Ashleigh I’ll check those places out next time I make it out there.

      And I wouldn’t worry about SLC ever becoming too widely known and overrun given all the Mormon sterotypes 🙂


  3. Aaron @ Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures
    February 22, 2011

    I was in SLC in December on a trip I took on a whim thanks to a ridiculously cheap airfare. Only one of these neighborhoods I made it to was 9th & 9th and what a seriously cool place!

    But yeah, definitely a place for hipster alerts!


  4. Maria A
    February 22, 2011

    What a great overview. Had no idea all these places were there. I went to SLC with my family as a stop on a roadtrip out west. We foolishly visited the Mormon museum (because that’s what SLC is known for, right?) and they kept approaching us to try to convert us. My very Roman Catholic mom was not amused!


    • Leslie Koch
      February 24, 2011

      I had the same experience on my first trip to SLC to visit Jake’s family! We went to Temple Square and women in long skirts with name tags approached us offering to show us a free Joseph Smith video.


  5. Alyson Smith
    February 23, 2011

    Great article makes me want to visit that thrift shop and hoard up on more antiques! Lots of great yummy places to eat!


  6. santafetraveler
    February 23, 2011

    Last time I was in SL- it was right after the Olympics and the restaurant scene had definitely improved since the first time I was there about 5 years earlier. But, the trendiest city in the country? Don’t think it will ever get ther, but good to know it’s hipper.


  7. ciki/@agentcikay
    February 24, 2011

    Not bad.. but the streets look so quiet! too quiet for me.. i think;)


    • Leslie Koch
      February 24, 2011

      Yeah, it’s a very low key city. The people are super friendly and the streets are impeccably clean, but it doesn’t have the thriving nightlife of NYC or KL. There are a lot of cool new restaurants and boutiques though 🙂


  8. Juno
    February 24, 2011

    House of Chuckles ! What a good name for a shop! I dont want to go ‘dry’ club though. What’s the fun without drink? 😀 haha!


    • Leslie Koch
      February 24, 2011

      You’ve got me there! Dry and club don’t seem to go together…


  9. Kathi Oakley
    February 25, 2011

    The 9th & 9th neighborhood in Salt Lake City is a fun place. You can look up this website for more cafes and shops in the area. http://ninthandninth.tripod.com


  10. Ted Nelson
    February 26, 2011

    Hipness is in the mind and in the liver. A destination that has beer and adventure is hip. Salt Lake City fit the bill on both accounts.


    • Leslie Koch
      February 28, 2011

      They do have an amazing variety of craft beers in SLC! Polygamy Porter is among the most memorable 🙂


  11. Sunny in FL
    February 26, 2011

    Next time we’re in SLC we will have to visit these locations! Great article!


  12. ciki
    April 12, 2011

    re visiting this post.. ! hide and seek with art structures.. u’re funny girl! LOL 😛


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