12 responses

  1. Stephen
    February 2, 2012

    Cool! I always love checking out the street art in whichever new city I’m in. Nice ones!


  2. Bicultural Mama
    February 2, 2012

    Great pictures, Juno! The art you took pictures of are pretty cool!


  3. Erica
    February 5, 2012

    These are stunning and are fantastic pics! Shaun and I were just talking about Hong Kong and how excited we were to visit it one day.



  4. Jade – OurOyster.com
    February 7, 2012

    Wow! That toast art is mindblowing!!!!


  5. ehalvey
    February 8, 2012

    LOVe the channel listing on a roll up bamboo mat!


    • Leslie Koch
      February 8, 2012

      I know– very creative TV guide!


  6. Ayngelina
    February 12, 2012

    These are great, I love the Obama/superman one.


    • Leslie Koch
      February 12, 2012

      Thanks! We love Juno’s photos too 🙂


  7. Traveling Ted
    March 9, 2012

    Interesting how important John Lennon is even more than 30 years after his death. There are more John Lennon images here than Obama.


    • Leslie Koch
      March 11, 2012

      I don’t recall seeing non-commercial street art with John Lennon in NYC recently. Maybe his legacy is strongest in Hong Kong 😉


  8. Charu
    March 9, 2012

    Have to say that I love the Lennon images…who knew HK had so much street art?


    • Leslie Koch
      March 11, 2012

      Seriously! John Lennon’s legacy clearly lives on in Hong Kong 🙂


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