15 responses

  1. Juno
    May 26, 2011

    It looks hoot! You know I’m a fan of dancing. I might go crazy if I was there.


    • Leslie Koch
      May 27, 2011

      You would love it! Hopefully they’ll advertise the event in advance next week. I’ll make sure to invite you to NYC for the festivities 🙂


  2. Alyson Smith
    May 27, 2011

    I love parades and costumes, however I would have loved to of been marching and dancing in it, not a spectator!


    • Leslie Koch
      May 27, 2011

      This would be a fun event to join! You’ll have to come up with a crazy costume or dance to stand out from the crowd…


  3. Steph
    May 27, 2011

    Ah, brilliant! Some awesome costumes 🙂


  4. Bicultural Mama
    May 27, 2011

    Great pictures. You’re always In the Know…


    • Leslie Koch
      May 28, 2011

      Thanks Mama. I can’t take credit for knowing about the parade; there was no advance promotion (nary a street poster) and I literally stumbled on it when I emerged from the subway. I’m surprised they didn’t advertise the event at all.


      • phil
        June 4, 2011

        We don’t advertise because we’re fully volunteer. No big name sponsors, nothing. Just people who love dance and diversity. Next year it’ll be May 19, 2012. Keep an eye out for us!


      • Leslie Koch
        June 6, 2011

        Thanks for the info, Phil! It was a great parade. Perhaps next year a volunteer could put up signs around the neighborhood? I live near the parade route and didn’t know about it until the same day. It seems like a shame more people didn’t come out to watch the dancers (although I enjoyed getting a prime spot behind the barricade).


  5. santafetraveler
    May 28, 2011

    St. Marks Pl looks the same- but if my life depending on figuring out where on 1st Avenue that was, I’d be in deep trouble. It’s so spruced up from the 1st Ave of my youth.


    • Leslie Koch
      May 28, 2011

      Actually, it was 1st Ave at St Marks Place! The block between 1st and A is lined with trendy restaurants and bars. I’m sure it’s changed quite a bit since you lived here!


  6. Ciki
    May 29, 2011

    Very nice les! But how come the streets aren’t crowded with people? is it too early in the morn for a Sat? LOL 😀 If so, then what a waste of a great dance parade!


    • Leslie Koch
      May 30, 2011

      The Dance Parade didn’t attract many spectators because they didn’t advertise it at all in the neighborhood! I didn’t see a single poster along the route. What a wasted opportunity. Hopefully next year they’ll have a marketing campaign.


  7. Erica
    May 29, 2011

    This is pretty awesome! I would have been sucked in as well – I’m a sucker for cultural dances.


    • Leslie Koch
      May 30, 2011

      It was a fun event! Lots of Bolivian dancers… I loved their costumes and twirls 🙂


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