14 responses

  1. Dave from The Longest Way Home
    March 4, 2011

    Ha, great topic. I don’t find clowns scary at all. I don’t know why most Americans do?! Yes, IT was a good film, and the clown scary. But, I still don’t find the average clown scary.

    The mars bar moment thing, is however a little strange 🙂


    • Leslie Koch
      March 4, 2011

      Thanks for the comment Dave! We had a serial killer who dressed as a clown and killed little boys. That might have added to the frightening clown image…


  2. Maria A
    March 4, 2011

    The quote next to the photo made me laugh. Brilliant!


    • Leslie
      March 9, 2011

      Glad you liked the clown street art, Maria!


  3. Juno
    March 4, 2011

    Aha, It’s inspired by Stethen King. Honestly I don’t really like his stuff. Maybe because I don’t like scary stuff. 😀 But the street art is so cool. It’s amazing how much we get to know things everyday, right?


    • Leslie Koch
      March 5, 2011

      So true. There’s a lot of creativity in our backyards, if we take the time to stop and look 🙂


  4. Alyson Smith
    March 5, 2011

    Wow thats some scary clown!


    • Leslie Koch
      March 5, 2011



  5. Ted Nelson
    March 5, 2011

    When I think of clowns I think of high school students.


    • Leslie Koch
      March 5, 2011

      Haha, thanks for adding the teacher’s perspective 🙂


  6. Erica
    March 6, 2011

    Oooh! How creepy and amazing. Definitely a way to draw attention to the space! I never saw It growing up so I never developed a healthy fear of clowns like so many people have.


    • Leslie Koch
      March 7, 2011

      Yeah- I have a feeling seeing this movie as a child could turn someone off to clowns forever 🙂


  7. ciki
    March 10, 2011

    Stephen King is one of my all time favourite writers! He totally digs clowns.. i have lost count on the number of times this “innocent” doll has been twisted into a fiend, in his stories.. and he does it so effectively too! Great 1st shot! clowns totally freak me out.. in a good way;)


  8. Katherina
    April 12, 2011

    I would have said fun…. but after seeing this… SCARY !! I will be having nightmares of clowns hiding in my closet tonight!


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