37 responses

  1. Bicultural Mama
    August 27, 2011

    Great “before” photos of NYC. I know you’ll be showing the “after” photos and hoping they won’t be too bad. Just waiting for IT to come…


    • Leslie Koch
      August 27, 2011

      There will definitely be “after” photos. Let’s hope Irene calms down by the time she reaches the NY metro!


  2. Annie Bettis
    August 27, 2011

    Great documentation Leslie! I hope that storm isn’t as bad as people think it will be, but I’ll be interested to see what photos you post after! Stay safe!


    • Leslie Koch
      August 27, 2011

      Thanks Annie! It’s so suspenseful… we’re just waiting to see if Irene hits or passes us by. Fortunately we managed to cobble together supplies, despite all of the shortages at local stores. I’ll keep you posted!


  3. Jeff Titelius
    August 27, 2011

    Fantastic coverage you roving reporter. Loved the skateboarder in the rain..what spirit!! Thanks for sharing…and keep us updated throughout please. ; )


    • Leslie Koch
      August 27, 2011

      Thanks Jeff! You know I’ll be out there with my camera as soon as the hurricane ends. (Unlike the TV weathermen, I think I’ll stay inside during the worst of it!)


  4. Aaron @ Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures
    August 27, 2011

    Haha nice pics! It was bustling uptown too, though I didn’t have trouble finding water or batteries. Seems that bodegas and grocery stores were well stocked! I did, however, get the last lighter from CVS! Hope we make it through the night in one piece (and with electricity and cell service!)

    By the way, Cuomo ordered the MTA shutdown, not Bloomberg…


    • Leslie Koch
      August 27, 2011

      Thanks for the correction– I’ve updated the post. Interesting that your area (uptown) has no shortage of emergency supplies, save lighters. Uptown is generally at a higher elevation than the East Village; I wonder if people are less concerned about flooding and damage there.


      • Aaron @ Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures
        August 27, 2011

        Ha well I’m WAY more concerned about loss of power and/or water for days at a time than I am damage…


      • Leslie Koch
        August 28, 2011

        Of course. How can one live without water, TV and Twitter?


  5. Doug
    August 27, 2011

    Love it and great photos. Thanks for sharing the day up to the storm. I could only imagine what the city is going through.


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      It’s a bit surreal– the streets are mostly empty tonight, and bars have closed down. I’m enjoying the quiet for now.


  6. Alyson Smith
    August 27, 2011

    Nice post Leslie, I hope you have all your supplies to battle the storm set!


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      Thanks Alyson! Good luck with the storm tonight


  7. Ehalvey
    August 27, 2011

    Thanks for including my tweet! Having lived in South Carolina and Georgia, hurricane prep is par for the course even 2.5 hours inland. It’s like camping minus the bears and deer. After the bad flood last year and ice storms in Nashville, it ends up being the sane list just different weather event. Stay dry!


  8. Sunny
    August 27, 2011

    What a great article! Funny and interesting. Good luck with the storm – hope your supply of beer holds out!


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      Thanks! Stay safe during the storm. So far, it’s just raining here in the East Village.


  9. Alouise
    August 28, 2011

    Great photos, I’ve heard a lot of people are gonna be having Hurricane parties. My family is visiting for New York City for the first time right now. It’s gotta be a little strange to visit the city that never sleeps for the first time, while the subway and other places have shut down for the hurricane. Hope everyone stays safe, and the damage won’t be too bad.


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      This would be an interesting time to visit NYC– although it would be hard to see all of the tourists sights in the storm aftermath. I think the subways will be down until Monday afternoon. Hopefully your family is staying long enough to explore the city!


  10. Charu
    August 28, 2011

    AWesome pics Leslie! I was thinking of doing a before post but I was just way too busy prepping for Irene. Glad you calmed your nerves with La Palapa! Way to go. I’m getting some Merlot into my system 🙂


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      Wine should be on every hurricane preparation list. It’s a great way to weather the storm!


  11. Sarah Wu
    August 28, 2011

    Great photos Leslie, Stay safe over the weekend. But at least you had a nice drink before Ms Irene arrive 🙂


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      How did you keep occupied last night during the hurricane? Did you go to a hurricane party? That would have been fun!


  12. Nance Carter
    August 28, 2011

    I loved this article! I think beer, junk food & movies are the way to weather this storm. It’s getting pretty bad out there now (6:09am) on Long Island & can’t sleep because it’s so windy & noisy outside. Going on my 4th movie of the storm. Saw The Thing, Let Me In, The Social Network & now starting A Haunting in CT. Be safe Leslie & I look forward to seeing more fotos after the storm. How funny is the garbage on top of overturned can??


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      Nance, I’m with you. We got sick of the storm coverage last night and watched the romantic comedy Jumping the Broom. You can only watch so many TV weathermen wading into sewage water before you get sick of the local news 😉 Hope your storm damage wasn’t too bad!


  13. Sunny
    August 28, 2011

    Nice pics of the cleared out food stories. We stuffed up on bread, nutella and peanut butter.


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      Nutella sounds like an essential food supply 🙂 All of the stores we checked were out of bread. It’s a hot hurricane commodity!


  14. Andi of My Beautiful Adventures
    August 28, 2011

    Stay safe my love!!!


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      Thanks Andi! Were you hit hard by the storm?


  15. Juno
    August 28, 2011

    I came to America in just a right time. So many things are happening. Though, I’m in Troi-Rivers right now, just raining. Hope you are safe, Leslie!


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      Yes, safe and sound! You certainly picked an exciting time to travel to the east coast: you experienced an earthquake and hurricane in a 2 week period!


  16. Traveling Ted
    August 28, 2011

    The nice thing about having camping equipment is your are already supplied with the gear. All you need is the beer. I am well stocked for a hurricane here in Chicago should Irene sway in its course.

    Margarita is a good choice. I think it is a better defense than a flimsy tarp. Well done.


    • Leslie Koch
      August 28, 2011

      It’s true– campers have an advantage when it comes to hurricane prep!


  17. Andrea
    August 29, 2011

    I used to live in Miami, where scenes like this happened once a year – but never thought I would see this in NYC!! Great photos


    • Leslie Koch
      August 29, 2011

      I’m sure this looks like nothing compared to the hurricanes in Miami!


  18. Alyson
    August 31, 2011

    Nice post, such an eerie feeling seeing all the stores bordered up with tape on their windows! Many stores on the end of our block also did the tape thing! There was no power on Hillside Ave around my house up until yesterday, so no stores were open either unless they had generators!


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